With the beautiful sunrises of summer and the melodic music of the song birds winging about in flight we begin to understand something of the urgency of a summer day. From the first warm days the creatures of the air rush about with great perseverence usually reserved for man. The wren is a unique little bird filled with personality to match the joyful melody with which it greets each day. Sometimes it perches near by, as if pondering the best place for a nest and the arduous task of gathering enough materials to line it and make a cozy place to lay eggs, to sit and hatch them, and then provide space enough to land and feed the babies as it makes coutless trips to fetch all kinds of insects. It is so interesting to glimpse such a nest up close, and to witness the types of materials it has chosen to preapre for the responsibility of parenthood, a responsibility ingrained in its creation. It is so quick and purposeful in its movements. It seems it is untiring and focused on seeking out enough morsels to nourish the quickly growing little chicks. And by natural reflex the little ones open their mouths on cue at any sound in expectation of more food. With our gift of reasoning and the ability to learn to care for others, are we as careful to uphold our responsibilities as these excellent wren parents? It makes one stop and ponder how we use our time, often for our own pleasure, when we have so many responsibilities in our own families and neighborhoods. Do we sing with joy in our work half so beautifully as these little birds of the air? Does our joy become a sweet fragrance to others who behold the attitude of our hearts and our minds in the simple every day activities of this life? It is so easy to grumble about every detail and yet we need to practice being thankful for all things and watch to see some good purpose in every providence of God. When we open our mouths let it be with songs of hope and encouragement to all who would hear the message of our hearts.
Poetry, Prose and Photographic Images to encourage and inspire personal relationship with our Lord and to find joy in walking with Him for His glory alone. Ina May Pummill
Sunrise With Fog

Every Morning is New
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Peace Through the Fog
Vision Transformed
Midpoint between the valley and the realm of glorious light
Along the winding river course, mingling with the low hanging clouds
Mischievous fog swirls in curious delight
Leaping with joyful abandon, carried along in harmony
With the ageless melody of time
Combining with an inclined cloud to form as a snow capped peak
Majestic in poetic beauty to thrill a peaceful soul
Perhaps a glimpse of promised of splendor too lavish to extol
Yet for a moment, a hint of that realm beyond knowing
Real to the imagination
Entranced, watching in stillness as illusive fog keeps flowing
In a moment in time, a blink of the eye
The fog vanishes, revealing an azure sky
Memory of such a witness lives on to surface at another time
Protected in a willing heart without need or wondering to ask why.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Natures Old and New
Two natures cannot inhabit the same body
Awareness of eternity that is so near as if to touch
Yet just out of reach to fully grasp
Slowly in learning to know God
New awareness of God’s appointed nature
New nature leading me more frequently
Old nature is dead, its power gone
But habits are strong tempters
Response to desires for present pleasure
Power must be practiced
Procrastination changed to perseverance
Taking every thought captive immediately
Resurrection nature
Giving meaning and assurance
A rock of absolute truth against which to measure
Adding vibrancy to that which was merely good
Perhaps it is youth renewed
Strengthened as being carried on wings of eagles
Fullness of time, hour by hour
Contentment in the gifts of each day
Moments when the soul sings in satisfaction
And I see beyond the face in the mirror
Fulfilled life extending beyond my years
Abundance current boundaries cannot contain
Overflowing riches through simple wisdom
Lavished with love and eternal purpose
Humble truth transcends generations
Man’s wisdom so confuses knowledge
That truth appears dead to worldly thinking
Absolute truth thrives
Unchanging in victorious triumph
Constant through powerful divine authority
Filled with enfolded wisdom and revelation
Treasure gifted in God’s timing
To be illumined in the full light of day
Tasted and experienced with awe of the eternal
Confirmed by the Spirit moment by moment
To the praise of His glorious grace
Life without end
Lavish and abundant in Christ alone
Enthroned in the praise of His people
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