Sunrise With Fog

Sunrise With Fog
Every Morning is New

Friday, August 31, 2012


Influence Beyond the Pale

Casual acquaintance with our vocabulary impoverishes the inspirational nature of living according to the fullness of what we were created to become. We limit our effectiveness through incomplete comprehension of the power and authority given in many situations.  The word influence is such a neglected word that bears further pondering. I considered it to mean direct changing of a person’s direction by outward words and deeds; as a direct result of vocal or written communication. 

In truth, a person of influence may affect others much by not speaking words but by example lives those words, in a manner speak more powerfully than by the use of words alone.  True if living by the standard established by the Almighty; not perfectly spoken but with perfect heart and desire, more and more breaking old habits of worldly vision to focus upon the Light of Life. Moses’ face glowed after being alone with God on the mountain, and then faded when he faced the challenges of leading a stubborn people.

 We today who believe in the Lord in His fullness have His presence with us to shine through our brokenness, even when we are unaware; especially more powerful when we are unaware.  Every moment in life is woven into the storehouse of who we have become, imperceptible for the most part, and yet finely ingrained into the whole experience much as a pinch of thyme flavors the whole kettle of nourishing robust soup.

We carry with us the eternity God set in the hearts of man in our journey to that perfection that leads the faithful forward in this race of discovery fitted between our birth and the end of our allotted days on earth.  Each day dawns with specifically ordained purpose.  Even in the busy routines of life there is something new to glean through our connection to the wonders yet to come. Moments of trial are broken by the light of hope which is always before us if we face the morning with expectation.  It is that eternal hope of the promise that shines through the eyes with power to influence those who hunger for its assurance.

Man thinks of influence as something we choose to use to redirect someone to our favor; perhaps bribery or threatening or slick talking; coercing a person’s direction without effectively changing hearts.  It is not our giving of emotional pleas; it is the power of the gospel that lends fragrance that invites inquiry into the heart of the matter. That subtle fragrance is an elixir of the eternal connection with the ancient words of truth and life.

Inside the pale it seems easy and right to tell of the gospel with its power and might.
With God given authority others hear what we are given to say; the pale is a barrier of protection for the day.
It is true both in physical boundaries that deter and refrain and more so in spiritual realms of every dark domain.
Mountaintop experiences are grasped in the spiritual realm where the light of hope cannot be overwhelmed.
How beautiful the melody when both realms unite; the joy is even more glorious shining into the darkness of night.

The wonder of God’s providence is more greatly desired when all seems out of control;
Realized when two realms collide, enlightening the deepest chambers of need in the soul.
We take the pale with us wherever we are led on pathways strange; that pale is the Kingdom of God with us, He does not change.
Though outside the pale cultures collide and sparks often fly, the hope of Salvation is light that will never fade or die.
That is where radiant influence born from His presence within, quietly fans embers into light, precious souls to win.

In that realm beyond the physical pale, when language might make it difficult to speak and to tell,
It is that inner presence flowing from faith that is sure, that shines through the eyes with light that is pure.
It is a presence perhaps indiscernible to individuals, who have not experienced it before,
But with God’s enabling they may catch that elixir of glory and be moved to desire more.
A smile and a kind word spoken with God’s love may open a door of possibility ordained from above.

As the apostles often walked far with little in their store, God always provided more than their needs before.
They were given sight to recognize those who are spiritually poor then given words of hope to restore.
They were simple and transparent, humbly making their way as God led;
They gave generously from that storehouse, being filled from heaven until the multitude was fed.
This is the influence felt outside the pale, outside the intimate little garden settings within the veil,
An apt word spoken with love extends the boundaries of grace
Spreading glimpses of heaven to those who are drowning and in need of God’s hand in a desolate place.

We are praying II Thessalonians 1:11-12  Therefore we pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. ”Amen

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Responsibility

Thoughts on responsibility cover a far greater range than one can cover in a short article, certainly far more reaching than the overview of yesterday's posting. The thoughts bringing attitude into focus might suggest a less than realistic approach to doing the daily chores which do not seem inspirational in the least. It is our freedom to choose the manner of their completion that gives oportunity to bring the matter of the heart into the equation. NO, it is not really fun to do some of the down on your knees scrubbing bathrooms or other such labors; but  we can be joyful even when not doing things we would call fun. The purpose of each little things which needs tending is not always to get it done, but to gain perspective and to feel the reward of seeing it done well, especially for the enjoyment and comfort of others in the household as well as the people the Lord may bring to your door... perhaps as entertaining angels unaware. You see the joyful sounds in early morning as the birds take to the air to find food and build nests. Their songs bring joy to us, and perhaps in some small way inspire us to hum a familiar tune while sweeping the floor, or to sing with abandon while ironing or washing windows. At times it is difficult to accomplish everything we feel needs doing, and therein is the challenge of choosing which things to do at a particular time. Most of the time we have freedom to program the day to accomplish well most of what needs doing. Focus then on the work at hand and seek pleasure from accomplishing that work; do not fall to the temptation to worry and grumble at the stack of ironing left undone for another day... or if need be, do enough to get you by for another day.
We all are better at some things than others; with more organization I know I can find joy in completing more of those less desirable jobs on my list. In the process I find that usually it is not the jobs that are undesirable, but my failure to attend to them in a timely manner. It brings joy to see results from responding to responsibilities with the attitude of importance they are due. We may continue pondering this subject for another day or two and seek to grow in this attitude of heart that brings satisfaction leading to joy. It never hurts to take a few moments to walk out and gaze at the heavenly display and be flled with awe of our Creator and the majesty of what He makes known through His creation.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thinking on Responsibility


Responsibility is a unique word that seems on the surface to be limited in scope; often those jobs…chores…requirements on the “to do” list seem outside the realm of another list of want to do, called to do, inspired to do opportunities. For far too long I have mentally separated the two areas of my life by viewing these less glamorous works as duties to get done so I can move on to the productive projects and commitments as the “real” work for the day. This attitude is clearly apparent to anyone who is witness to the works of my hands when my heart is not in my efforts.
It is becoming clearer that this propensity to omit some things from the command to do ALL things as unto the Lord is indeed something that needs changing. My attitude toward these mundane duties does not glorify God in any manner. Scripture tells us that everything is beautiful in its own time. When I rush through washing dishes as something to get out of the way to get to something else it is my attitude that is ugly, not the chores at hand.

Response must be unified to get rid of the disconnect between chores and destination. All these responsibilities are truly part of the destination, not something to get through to get somewhere else. When I awaken each morning let me choose a balcony attitude and desire to make every part of the journey a delight. What a difference it would make were I to live in the wonder of each day, and put my creative self into observing beauty and light in every effort to which I am called.

There are responsibilities that change with every season that must be met. There are those things which are expected that come with commitments. There are many more things which we load upon ourselves in order to meet our own expectations. The list grows beyond the bounds in which we can complete well and that list requires seeking the Lord’s wisdom for the whens, hows, and ifs for making choices that align with His purpose for each life.  Beyond that, for each choice we make, let us seek to do that thing well. Let us choose an attitude of heart that will foster joy in whatever the hand finds to do. In this age of great technological communication it is tempting to multi-task and it divides the mind’s attention so that often nothing is given our best effort. Let me delight in such a simple thing as washing dishes. Let me hold the glass to the light and see the sunshine pouring through, perhaps even making a rainbow in the process. Let me remember the person who gave me the crystal bowl I am washing. Let me plan an occasion to use the beautiful floral china with dainty tea cups given to me by a friend who knew Iwould treasure the fragile beauty of such a set. Let me be thankful for having family and friends to feed and serve with love. Let me do the simplest jobs with the mindset that they too are to be done as if serving the Lord Himself. Each choice, each chore, each opportunity deserves to be given our best effort… that is our responsibility, not the number of items we can cross of the list each day in order to get to something we feel to be more important or fulfilling.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Mirror of Providence

Looking Forward

Sometimes it seems a bit sad when I look at photos and read special keepsake notes, when I fondly remember journeys to faraway places and mountaintop moments where ever they are experienced. It seems a bit sad as well when I consider my age and know that there is less time to do the many things that I felt I would one day accomplish. On the other hand, when I look through those keepsakes, those heart wrenching times of both joy and difficulty, I see the light of providence highlighting the different moments with the golden lgiht of understanding and see the unique way in which they have been woven together to form a tapestry of other worldly beauty. If even one of those events had been missed the grand design would not be complete at this day and time. One door led to another; one decision had direct influence on each following decision. It is with growing wisdom that I look forward with great anticipation to see what each new day will bring. It is through the perfect providence of God's care for me thus far that I greet each day with joy. Not that there are not anxious moments. Not that there are no concerns, no lapses as I try to be in charge of the hours of the day. At times it is hard to move forward into something new because I don't have all the answers and do not know exactly what to expect. But... this is the beauty of it! This is the excitement of each day. Just as I do not know what type of sunrise will greet the dawn, I also do not know what surprises await my moving forward into the day. I do not know when the rainbows will appear. I do not know when a dear friend will call, or when my children and grandchildren will come to the farm to visit. I do not know when I will be visited by beautiful light of inspiration with which to write or create something of beauty. I only know that for every breath I am allowed there is purpose and opportunity. That is more than enough.
It is the mirror of memory that magnifies each morning to marvel in the majestic splendor of each moment.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Beyond the Drought

Yesterday morning was an example of gaining extended vision... slowly... sometimes almost immeasurably, but certan grow in seeing beyond the present physical condition. This extended heat and drought has brought challenges to so many people. We have been feeding hay for a month when it is normally at least mid October before that becomes necessary. Our ancient air conditioning unit has been struggling and required continuing repair. The new motor that was installed only Thursday stopped working last night. We awoke yesterday with no water. With perseverence my husband was able to get the water restored mid morning after discovering a leak and making a trek to the hardware store for parts.The trees in the yard and surrounding fields are showing signs of distress in shriveling leaves and even some leaves alreading falling away.  But I sat on the deck in peace. It was very early in the morning. Before it began to get light we could see a line of clouds to the north when they were illuminated by frequent lightening. Hope. Perhaps there will be rain. When daylight arrived that line of clouds was still very close, just across the river valley. There was something peaceful about watching the clouds and the continued lightening. Then I began seeing the rain. For hours, framed by our thirsty tree branches, I watched the rain across the way.  As I always have the camera nearby, I took several photos of the clouds and rain in the changing light. Though we did not get any of the moisture I was surprised to find myself thanking the Lord for the rain others were getting. I was truly glad for them. I was still asking the Lord to favor us with some of the rain but at the same time content in what He chose to provide. Resting in Him. I am thankful for attic fans and breezes that make things more comfortable. I am thankful that we can carry water when we have plumbing failures. I am thankful for the light of the morning that continues to illumine my heart and soul with new perspective on what is truly important in this life as I compare my failures with opportunities to do better every day. Each sunrise brings promise of new choices and results when I set myself aside to consider the needs of others. Life is not about me at all.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

There is something peaceful about the early morning light as it heightens the contrast between rows of hills that seem to go on forever. The color blue is so pronounced in nature. Blue carries the emotion of calm to refresh and uplift one in preparation for the unknown challenges for the day. Blue adds depth to a scene in three dimensional reality; blue fades into the horizon and continues to infinity if we were able to see it there.
Blue seems to cleanse the mind of worldly worrys and replace them with hope and anticipation of special moments waiting just ahead. The blue shadows reflect the sky just as a glass smooth surface reflects the vast canvas being transformed by the Creator moment by moment.  It takes time to watch the creation of a sunrise... to see the layers upon layers of clouds and fog and distant mountains change in the dawning day. At times the clouds are brushed with pink and gold, breathtaking to behold. As the sun rises higher and higher the early gold is exchanged to lighter gold tinged with a hint of pink... wisps of clouds catch the playful light and expand the sence of infinity. Each morning brings something new into view. It is a grand awakening for all the possibilities Linger a while in this state of watchful anticipation and be inspired by the heavenly light.