Sunrise With Fog

Sunrise With Fog
Every Morning is New

Friday, May 6, 2011

Expectation: Seek and you will find.

Before you open your eyes in the morning, is there a quickening of your soul as you think about the day before you? Is there an eagerness to seek out the Lord and welcome Him into what ever is the plan for the day? It is so exciting when He gives us ability and light that we might begin to see Him at work around us in ways beyond our imagining. He is always near at hand. He is always ready to take you by the hand and lead you, guide you, and walk with you through every journey. In Isaiah, God tells the people, "Here am I, Here am I." But most do not listen. Most do not hear the the sweet blessings He provides in knowing Him because they reject Him, they reject His Son; They are too busy or they just do not realize the urgency of His message.  But Oh! The joy in lifting our eyes to see as He illumines much to our understanding! His majesty is marvelous and His sovereignty is evident in all He has made. Look around you. Stop and listen. Open the eyes of your heart to the splendor of His glory now. Then awaken to bright new mornings waiting for those whose trust is in His Son.  Blessings.


Oh God! How bright is the anticipation for each new morning upon awakening, for You have been at work in my heart through the night.
Perhaps there are difficulties or unknown challenges, but You are there
There is unequaled anticipation when the day holds particular promise, for promise comes wrapped in the aura of expectation and tied with ribbons of silver and gold.
For You, God, always provide abundantly in ways beyond my thinking out.
On the way to the good things of expectation, sometimes the phone may ring. A friend’s voice brings added joy to a day already filled with sunshine! A grandchild may call purposefully to tell me I am loved. A deer might walk out into a meadow to graze while pair of hawks soar overhead.
Oh Lord, in Your Word You promise, “If we seek you we will be found by You.” Every day can be such a day for You are lavish in Your gifting of Yourself. When I pray with expectation, You allow me to see You working in ways beyond asking.
When I begin a journey by praying that You would choose to reveal more of Your Glory, I am never disappointed.
I see that glory in the changing seasons, in a sunrise, or in a storm moving overhead. I feel Your glory in my soul as I witness You opening scripture to understanding and fitting it to bring wisdom to every situation; I glimpse Your glory when You give words to encourage another as You allow me to see Your image shining through them in a specific way.
You give light to see answered prayer, but often it is in a different form than that for which I prayed. Your way is the only perfect way Lord, as You always work in each heart for good; My way, without Your leading, might soothe or improve circumstances without allowing Your molding process to dispel dross and divulge more of Your light shining through.
You fill me with joy when You allow vision of fruit filling my basket; fruit is of Your doing as You take my small offering and use it as You have purposed. As a small stream pours over a mountain cliff to become a voluminous waterfall, so too do You fill Your people to overflowing with Your grace and loving kindness which is then imparted as sweet nectar for others.
When I open myself to You, You have promised to guide me and give me perception of someone’s needs; You give me patience to ponder, followed by desire and wisdom to proceed.
Your glory is revealed in Your grace and mercy shining into the darkness to restore the years in a mysterious manner, but as with the wind and the Spirit I can feel the results of Your working within and respond with the fullness of Your joy.
Your glory shines through the brokenness of nature as well… ice storms snap limbs; insects gnaw on the leaves, and yet beauty lives wherever there is a spark of life.
I search for perfection in all that is living but find it not with my own eyes; my understanding of perfection is to be without blemish and perfect in physical form.
But You, oh Lord, weave beauty with inner light into all You have made, no matter what the season of life, regardless of present trials. I see that beauty as the broken trees continue to put on leaves of green that change into the brilliant golden rewards of autumn. I see the continuing beauty as the clouds clear and allow the sunshine to touch ice-laden limbs and cause them to sparkle like thousands of diamonds.
I tell You the truth; I feel lovingly enveloped in Your imparted beauty when I am driving up the mountain road; as I near the top I find myself set apart to gaze to the west toward the late afternoon sunshine, enthralled, as the whole forest is transformed into a phenomenal scene.
You have promised to continue that work in me to restore my brokenness and Your light should shine through to point others to Your gift of life. Without Your light my heart would see only death and destruction in the physical world; I would grieve inconsolably in witness of brokenness surrounding me; but in the light of Your working there is displayed perfection in glorious gold that outshines darkness with the hope of eternity.
There is perfection in everything You sovereignly allow, for You purposed every detail for the revelation of Your glory from the beginning.
You draw the children of promise out of the darkness and into the beautiful light, and Your Spirit teaches the deeper things heard from the Father. You give desire for those deeper things; You alone satisfy that longing with eternal food for the inspiration of inquiring hearts; scriptural poetry seems filled with deeper symbolic truth enfolded, providing great treasure when we are impassioned to contemplate meaning as we interact with that scripture by application through Your grace.
When I behold You in glory Lord, I will know You; I will recognize the Hope of my life for Whom I have hungered. I will rejoice in the light of Your amazing love that transcends all else and shines into every recess of my heart now with joy abounding.
I know the light of that love now through the Holy Spirit as He illumines the words of scripture stored in my heart; I know it through the eyes of believers; You promised to guide me with Your eye and You do that through Your leaders in so many ways.
I see Your compassion now. I read of it, and then see it poured out in graceful rivers of living water to impart the truth of Your gospel wherever You direct the flow.
The beauty of Your artistry sings of Your glory; with my heart and soul I harmonize with great rejoicing because I am confident in Your promise to be with me always.
Anticipation must unquestionably be accompanied with blessing designed for eternity just as surely as is obedience, for anticipation comes through trusting Your sovereignty more fully each passing day. There is nothing that exists that is beyond the powerful reach of Your mighty long arm.
With much blessing follows responsibility to open the floodgates of blessing to encourage others as You would enable me to do so through Your gifting.
I humbly thank You for giving me eyes to see Your blessing and for filling me with eager expectation of glimpsing more of Your glory each new day. AMEN
IMP 10/24/09

1 comment:

  1. I loved the part that tells of you asking in prayer for God to reveal more of His glory to you. I've prayed many prayers, but I must have taken that for granted. Thanks for giving me a "new" way to experience more of Jesus!
