A Handful Of Daffodils
Coming in from checking on our cattle, my husband reaches out to me with a
handful of daffodils, the first evidence that spring is truly on its way.
Here is something of spring that I can hold in my hand, I can smell its
sweet fragrance, and I can rejoice in the changing of the seasons.
Anticipation has been building for the coming of spring. Though days may
still be filled with a gray chill accompanying the stark and stately
silhouette of winter, a sweet warm dampness creeps in and hovers over the
landscape with a hint of something new.
We listen in quiet stillness and wait for the special light spring will
bring. Who notices as the first green shoots announce its arrival? Who is
listening when more songbirds return and frogs join in the chorus?
Who is watching in witness when a pair of hawks takes flight to soar on the
currents of the wind? Who comes to a complete stop, spell bound by the
incomprehensible light, to lift his face to the sun and the eyes to the heavenly places?
It is the same person whose heart skips a beat at the sight of daffodils in joyful
yellow, even at times blooming through the snow. They are followed by hundreds of
sunny flowers that will carpet the forest floor, waiting to accompany the
redbud's song of joy. Our souls are in harmony with the sounds and the sights of spring.
As God has ordered the seasons, instinct leads one to seek the earliest
wildflowers of this refreshing new season… troutlilys, wood sorrel, spring beauties… drawn
with excitement as to see old friends, one can walk about the wooded landscape
to discover the delicate and fragile beauties blooming through the fallen
leaves of winter, perhaps with their little buds poking through the snow,
whether or not there is anyone else to witness such a miracle aside from God Himself.
In seeing these blossoms, I know spring is upon us!
IMP 2/28/11
Poetry, Prose and Photographic Images to encourage and inspire personal relationship with our Lord and to find joy in walking with Him for His glory alone. Ina May Pummill
Sunrise With Fog

Every Morning is New
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Again: The Empty Chair

Offering solitude
Quietly awaiting
One weary,
In need of rest
Rest of body
And need of rest for the soul
Blessed healing rest
In Him Who makes one whole.
A chair, alone
Perhaps a quiet corner
Surrounded by worldly noise
Yet, set apart
Pondering thoughts
From the heavenly source
Allowing thoughts to flow
Along a random course.
A chair, alone
Empty, inviting
Compelling one
To step aside from the race
To await God's leading
In this set apart space
To be restored
Through irresistible grace.
All opportunities arrive laden with difficulties it seems. Nothing is as simple as it would appear. But if we feel truly inspired to tackle the task we will follow through with determination until our path seems to take us another direction. This blog creation has been a challenge. It seemed finally to be up and running with delightful results and great feedback. However a new flaw has appeared. Having posted the same poem four times it continues to disappear into space and all that survives is the title. If this post survives the posting I will again post the story about the chair, with a lovely image to include. We will see what comes about.There is so much beauty and truth and hope about which to write that there would be sadness if it were unable to be posted. Waiting to see.............
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
God Is The Melody Of My Soul
Have you ever been awakened in the night only to discover the words of a song seemingly being sung while you were sleeping? Perhaps you might just hear the melody. Another time I might awaken to the welcoming of the dawn, the forest choir singing in joy, the sunrise arriving just in time and I feel a connection to the ancient words and songs of praise.
I might awaken with some kind of fear or worry which are not of God. I might suffer some kind of unknown anxiety of which I am not even aware. I must choose to lift the eyes of my heart to the heavens and call upon the Lord to strengthen me that I can turn away from those thoughts and think of what I know to be true and good and lovely. It is then that the familiar melody begins to play in my soul and I am enabled to move forward in the fullness of His joy.
Yes, there will be challenges and difficulties. It is the attitude with which I face them, the faith in the Lord that strengthens me to face them, and the peace that overcomes my doubts, these are the things which fill me with joy above any worldly happiness that I might desire. It is the Lord Who knows what is best for my good and that will best display His glory. The melody is always there but I must choose to hear it. I must choose to sing along to discover the goodness of the Lord enfolded in beautiful words of life.
I might awaken with some kind of fear or worry which are not of God. I might suffer some kind of unknown anxiety of which I am not even aware. I must choose to lift the eyes of my heart to the heavens and call upon the Lord to strengthen me that I can turn away from those thoughts and think of what I know to be true and good and lovely. It is then that the familiar melody begins to play in my soul and I am enabled to move forward in the fullness of His joy.
Yes, there will be challenges and difficulties. It is the attitude with which I face them, the faith in the Lord that strengthens me to face them, and the peace that overcomes my doubts, these are the things which fill me with joy above any worldly happiness that I might desire. It is the Lord Who knows what is best for my good and that will best display His glory. The melody is always there but I must choose to hear it. I must choose to sing along to discover the goodness of the Lord enfolded in beautiful words of life.
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Isaiah 49:10 "He Who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water. niv |
God is the Poetry of My Soul
God is the poetry of my soul… the music of every fiber of my being… Before the foundation of the world, the poetry of God flowed with rhythm and passion as the Lord breathed into creation His poem of life eternal. In beauty, God the Father ordered all things with a harmony far sweeter than anything man can imagine.
The poetry of creation itself flows from the pages of the Bible with visual descriptions of God pouring out His heart to His children in mercy and grace and breathing life into them. God in three persons with unity as one Deity in perfect accord, the God of the Bible authored the true and perfect love story to the children of His creation.
The music of the soul flows from God to weave His eternal symphony into a glorious tapestry that touches every sense with incomprehensible beauty. It is a comforter sent to envelop the spirit of man with the security and warmth of the presence of the living God Himself.
As we are drawn to seek the Lord we are filled with the fullness of a love that is certain and true… a relationship that sets the pattern and provides the heart for all other relationships.
With God’s example, the earthly covenant of husbands to wives, before the Holy God, becomes more beautiful and loving…more forgiving and understanding…Friendships become more uplifting and precious if we edify one another…if we see with the beautiful loving thoughts of the Father.
God also filled man with a love for the poetry that flows with His music of creation…
A love that flows with all that is good and pure, all that bears the beautiful fragrance of the Father…
We are able to recognize God’s presence in the praise of poetic literature with melodious hymns of rejoicing, hymns reflecting the majesty and wonder of the Creator…reflecting His immortal righteous wisdom that He bestows upon His own, and hymns of quiet thankfulness as in humble witness we understand the depth of the Father’s loving kindness…His gentle mercy and His promise of faithfulness to His own; Even hymns with emotional sadness, even despair are evidenced as we humbly realize the consequences of being outside the clearly described will of God.
The beauty of this sorrow is the window of hope… the window with His glorious light streaming in to lead us to seek His presence in all things…It is this sure and certain hope that gives birth to poetic expression of His beauty even when we are barely able to understand the magnitude of His grace.
Throughout eternity God has placed poetry in the hearts of His children… on hillside meadows… on quiet beaches with only the rippling sound of waves rolling in… Even in the walled in canyons of city streets it is possible to feel the melody of God though surrounded by the harsh noises of civilization…
David spent his early days in the meadows pouring out his heart and soul to God with only his sheep to listen… with his musical instruments and voice He used God’s gifts to worship the Holy One of Israel. Then in the providence of God, the poetry of David today calms the Shepherd’s sheep and directs them to the fold of the Father’s love.
In the same way God worked through David to bring gentle soothing peace to troubled king, God used the obedience of that simple shepherd boy to mightily inspire generations that followed.
This poetry that the Spirit inspired of David leads us to prayerfully praise the God of all creation, praying back to God the passionate thoughts from a man after God’s own heart. The Holy Spirit illumines our hearts so that the very words God gave David inspire us to worship God with the same devotion and love.
Even when we are seemingly surrounded by darkness and impossibility, our countenance still bears witness to our ever-present God through the comfort of His Spirit and we are a light in the darkness.
We may be filled with thoughts of poetic prose in the realization of God’s promised presence and providential protection purposed for His people.
We are inspired to draw from the imagination of our Spirit filled hearts, powerful words to express our adoration for our Heavenly Father. This same love shines through our deeds and actions as well.
We are filled with thoughts abounding from the overflowing springs of the Father’s love. The lyrical composition takes on the cadence of all of creation, moving along gently, then as a fast flowing river spills over a hanging cliff in a fantastic explosion of foam and spray and sound, multiplying our small offering from what we have been given. Thoughts that flow from the Father’s fountain finish with a brilliant victorious flourish to the praise of our glorious God.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Melody of the Soul
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Majestic Morning Melody of Promise |
I am discovering pearls where I had not seen them before. As the pattern of my days continues to be woven, these pearls shine with endearing love to remind me of God's faithfulness when I have not been faithful in seeking Him. His majesty is more than enough to lift me from my weaknesses into the Light that divinely transforms what is broken and bent. He will restore the days the locusts have eaten as the prophet Joel spoke. And I thank Him for allowing me to see Him at work in many ways as He keeps every promise and teaches my soul to sing
Melody of the Soul
A new morning to begin each precious step walking in the conscious presence of the living God,
A new morning to rejoice in the light of opportunity presented in the seeking of His will;
How sweet is the fragrance of life when experienced with the eager delight of a child walking hand and hand with his Father.
Every sense is heightened when God is given reign to choreograph each measured step,
For each step will then more beautifully match the eternal melody He created for each soul before we were formed.
How amazing to awaken each morning in expectation of possibilities God will weave into the day!
Joyful anticipation of goodness overflowing from the fountain of God Himself cannot be contained.
That great expectancy bursts forth in a melody of joy that stirs passion and spills over to touch others with His blessings.
The melody slows to allow rest and contemplation of His words placed in each heart.
It then begins to dance with the excitement of being refreshed by His very presence.
In His presence is the glorious music in each life; His presence making possible the endless variations of hymns to extol each of His attributes, and His presence bringing to light joyous release of creativity through His precious gifting of His children.
Each life carries with it a slightly different part of the melody as God works through each child in a unique manner, though the all-encompassing theme is the very nature of the true God of creation.
The joyful refrain, if we would hear it, is a chorus of halleluiahs to the Master of the vast orchestra!
How brilliantly He weaves together the melodies of individual hearts into the grand theme of eternal life in His kingdom with Him!
When individual thoughts wander far, when they turn to self-directed thinking and self inspired designs, the melody of the soul suffers loss of the soothing harmony that flows only through the gentle touch of the hand of the Lord as He works in the hearts of men.
God could choose to play the melody through us without our participation, but how amazingly wonderful that He fills us with the desire to know Him and to praise Him.
His Spirit gifts us with inspiration to be led by the Master in developing the melody of the soul to the fullness He provided from the beginning, that we might personally know Him more fully!
Through His words communicated by His Holy Spirit within, the true joy of the Father is made manifest in each life given to hearing the Father’s leading.
It is again amazing to recognize the unity of the melodies inspired of God and woven together in a tapestry of light displayed against the darkness that is life without the Lord, a tapestry with the sweetly perfumed fragrance of the Lord, the Divine golden light woven into the heartfelt refrain!
For it is the reflection of God Himself in each life that stirs response to His outpouring through the precious melody illumining the countenance of each child.
That He would so graciously allow, yes, even entreat us to work with Him impassions us to be swept forward in keeping with the pattern of the current flowing from Him.
Without His enabling, the melody within would be stifled, with nothing to nourish creativity.
No one would hear our hearts sing out with rejoicing at the goodness set before us.
Through seeking first the Father and His righteousness, all that is truly needed will be added to those whose hope is the Lord.
The melody of our souls will overflow in unity with the fullness of His love in our hearts forever.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Thinking of Love
The Lord gives us much with which to create beauty. He inspires the work of our hands, and gives desire to show our love to others in giving generously from the lavish bounty poured out from the windows of heaven.
The gift of love is one of exceeding worth, exampled by God Himself. Love is one of His communicable attributes in which we delight. It is an ongoing process to learn to give out that love in meaningful and unselfish acts of kindness to those God places in our paths.
It is written in scripture that a friend loveth at all times. Whether His love in us is poured out on our spouse, friends, family members, members of the church, or people we meet along the journey who need encouragement, prayer, or other help, these principles from 1 Corinthians exemplify the perfect love to which we are called to aspire.
It would strengthen relationships and glorify God if each morning we were to read these words as written for our edification, then ask the Lord to engrave them on our hearts, and bring them to mind often so that with grace, we might show the love of God to someone who might be in particular need that day. Have a special day and may the Lord turn His face upon you with His incomporable love.
To Him be all glory forever.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Watching With the Lord
Watching With Eyes to See His Presence
The morning light is positively electric with possibility.
The promise of untold blessings looms ahead when we seek His presence.
Almighty God gifts those with a heart desiring the wisdom of His ways.
As He answers, we are filled with thanksgiving to sing His praise!
Wisdom is abundant to those who constantly seek the light of His face.
His Word is wisdom to give purpose and direction for every breath we take.
For with the breath of God, Jesus spoke all things into being so long ago.
The Father’s plan from before the foundation of the earth encompassed all the details.
The order and beauty flow from His perfect design and His all-encompassing power.
Through creating us in His image, He projected His rhythm to our soul.
This rhythm flows in perfect harmony with the nature of His creation.
This harmony is jarred asunder when we do not seek His wisdom for our ways.
Oh what beautiful stirring of the heart as one recognizes the magnificence of our Lord,
To realize His sovereignty, His power, and requirement for righteousness,
To rejoice in His loving kindness and bathe in His goodness and love,
There is unity when we willingly allow Him to continue His work in our hearts!
There is peace when we joyfully delight in having a personal relationship with the living God!
The days of our lives become increasingly more precious in the recognition of His omnipotent hand in the bearing of all things,
For with great love, God has ordained purpose and significance for each of His children.
He fills us with vitality, with the ability and desire to do the work He sets before us.
Through Him, the fountain of living water eternally flows, and we are grateful!
Through the light of His glory behind our eyes, we are given sight of the richness of what He has bountifully set before us.
We are many times blessed, both in having been given sight to see, and in the joy of being a vessel through which His living water flow through to others.
As we receive, the gifts are multiplied in the giving back, as the waves return to grace us with a glimpse of His lavish providential display of His glory.
With God’s ever present guidance He multiplies what He gives through us into more opportunity.
The cycle is energized through God’s grace as He opens eyes to see and enables us to obey.
As He opens our hearts to hunger for His love, He then satisfies that hunger!
As we are satisfied in His presence and trust His promise, He gives us more of Himself!
He gives so much of Himself that we are overjoyed and completely humbled in the realization.
We are humbled at the seeming improbability of a personal relationship with God,
And yet it is so!!! He gives abundantly more than we ask in display of His glorious grace.
Our imagination cannot fathom the infinite riches of God, waiting His purpose and timing.
These riches provide everything we need as He works through us in our living for Him!
As we ever turn our face upward to embrace the light of His glory,
He floods each seeking heart and soul with His wisdom that has graced the ages.
The warmth of His light radiates throughout our being to bring healing from within.
It is in such special times of quiet communion with our living God
When we experience the fluid motion of His wisdom coming to life within us…
When a perfect rhythmical connection is maintained with the Father,
There are often times brilliant flourishes in the symphony of life.
As these special moments punctuate the reality of a relationship with the living God with the illumination of understanding, we cannot go back beyond where He met us on the road.
Peace and satisfaction are born in the harmonious life flowing through the Father.
Even when outside forces add distress to the harmony of our unity with God,
The melody born of Him carries the music of our being through to the finale.
For God alone is the master of the triumphant symphony of life.
In expectantly waiting His direction He will show us many great things for which to praise Him.
He will illustrate to those who watch for His presence the many blessings He has prepared.
Our Lord will make known many opportunities to witness to His glorious Name.
To those who continue looking upward to Him He will unfold the abundant treasures from scripture that are the riches of life eternal, but we must pick up our mat and walk with Him.
When we watch vigilantly for His ever-extended hand with the certainty of His firm grip, our watching and waiting will confirm His assurance of victory through Christ alone.
When we are watching with His Spirit within, we are never away from His protection and love,
For His favor flows forth as we faithfully focus upon the Father for fulfillment forevermore.
IMP 11/6/03
Friday, February 11, 2011
Winter Grace
Seasons seem to overlap
Not rushing from one to the other,
but blending the joys of each in transition.
In autumn, leaves may begin to fall,
yet continue to bloom long into winter.
Sweetgum leaves bright in color
may be edged with icy lace
as an early storm brings freezing rain.
The tree continues blooming in glorious color,
days grow shorter, shadows lengthen
white oak leaves grip branches far into winter
to clothe the stark limbs,
a reminder of coming seasons.
Days shine with warmth of autumn
To warm my soul with heavenly light
and yet it is winter all around me.
Beauty carries untold delight.
It surprises me with many colors of light.
Winter is surely upon me
The cold days of icy blue,
buffeted by sharp winds that sting,
that seek to steal my joy in unpredictable nature
but they cannot, for I am
watching, humbled in the golden light,
golden grace, the joy of each new day.
Winter days move quickly however they appear
Some mornings sound with coming spring
as songbirds begin their singing full of cheer.
Spring is coming, though not yet
I am humbled when I feel it in my soul
while breathing in the essence of winter.
Winter is gifted with its own purpose.
Not rushing from one to the other,
but blending the joys of each in transition.
In autumn, leaves may begin to fall,
yet continue to bloom long into winter.
Sweetgum leaves bright in color
may be edged with icy lace
as an early storm brings freezing rain.
The tree continues blooming in glorious color,
days grow shorter, shadows lengthen
white oak leaves grip branches far into winter
to clothe the stark limbs,
a reminder of coming seasons.
Days shine with warmth of autumn
To warm my soul with heavenly light
and yet it is winter all around me.
Beauty carries untold delight.
It surprises me with many colors of light.
Winter is surely upon me
The cold days of icy blue,
buffeted by sharp winds that sting,
that seek to steal my joy in unpredictable nature
but they cannot, for I am
watching, humbled in the golden light,
golden grace, the joy of each new day.
Winter days move quickly however they appear
Some mornings sound with coming spring
as songbirds begin their singing full of cheer.

Spring is coming, though not yet
I am humbled when I feel it in my soul
while breathing in the essence of winter.
Winter is gifted with its own purpose.
Unique beauty for those who look
Amazing glimpses of His glory
shine through all of God's creation.
Something of one season lingers for a while
as remembrances of the seasons do overlap.
Soon hardy little trout lilies will venture forth,And robins congregate in hillside meadows.
They, as I, anticipate the arrival of springWhile tasting the delicacies of winter's grace.
Let all God has created praise His holy Name.imp
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hint of Spring Through A Winter's Day
Spring will come.Yes, it really is still Winter. 19 degrees and 12-20 inches of snow in the area. Our little dog has to bounce through the snow to make any progress in her daily explorations. But we know spring is coming. There are signs of spring now, but they are deeply hidden for the moment in this lovely fresh blanket of white. Everything looks different today, and yet it remains the same. Winter is a season not yet ready to fade into spring.
Hint of Spring Sings Through A Winter’s Day
Something special colors the impression of the morning unfolding before me.
The atmosphere flourishes with revitalized purpose providenced to be.
Seeming to exude the quality of exciting vibrancy.
Filtered sunshine envelops me with warmth and I open my soul to see
Being set free from apathetic dormancy that might normally seem dreary.
Delighted to find myself restored and refreshed with exhilarating expectancy.
The cold chill of winter is filled with purpose and timing that enables the best.
A time set apart for renewal, a period of rest.
A time of refilling, that allows me to quietly wait and watch without being pressed.
A time of awareness to recognize manners in which I have been blessed.
Not yet spring but nonetheless, I taste its hope, the promise sure.
I trust and anticipate. Abundant life mandates that I do more than endure.
It is a gift of time that I may listen in stillness and meditate on the Word.
Set free to imagine possibilities beyond anything seen or heard.
Today, special radiance highlights my thoughts, lifting them high.
The joyful musing of my soul wings heavenward toward the sky.
Contentment fills me with peace; my faith is confirmed. Hope is true.
Serenity can barely contain anticipation awaiting what is new.
This allusion of springtime is perhaps a glimpse of the hope of glory,
It is an interlude of rest, confirming with His peace my place in God’s story.
Assuring my calling, absent of self-doubt and self focused worry.
Waves of light blanket the snowy landscape insulating winter’s claim.
After a time of repose, renewed joy emerges to affirm my name.
Remember to breathe deeply. Permit myself to be saturated in this gift of light.
The continuing dawn grows increasingly bright, displacing the shadows of night.
Much winter remains. I must choose to delight in victory or merely endure.
This sparkle of springtime awakens eager expectation accompanying life that is sure.
One step at a time, waiting wisdom with patience and looking above,
Filled to overflowing, graced with His love.
When I step out of the warm sunshine of this spring like day
The reward of having tasted the goodness of the Lord will not pass away.
When once more snow and ice arrive, as they will
My mind will envision sunlight sparkling through the ice to mitigate the chill.
When I look about as an eager child to see God’s working according to His will,
I am sometimes rewarded with little flowers blooming bravely through the cold.
Thankful for every provision of the day, I am inwardly smiling, and safe in His fold.
He nurtures my character with new purpose for life and growing wisdom for the way.
The hope of springtime sings eternally in my heart with blessing as I seek to obey.
Each season has beauty enough to write praises lasting through the fading night,
Bringing sustaining joy to those given hearts to see deeply with God gifted sight.
The glorious Holy Spirit, my counselor, my instructor and ever-present guide,
Illumines truth and understanding with heavenly light freely applied
To shine eternally upon those who in Christ the Lord faithfully follow and abide.
IMP 1/22/10
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Winter Pondering
Each winter day arrives with surprises, surprises to us, but not to the Lord. Layers of snow and ice, one following another, sometimes harsh wind brings the perception that it is colder than what it really is. Challenges. Colds and flue. Difficulty in getting to the places we think we need to go. We wake in the night to hear the furnace making strange noises only to discover that it is in need of repair. The parts will not be delivered for two or three days and it is supposed to be down to zero at least one night during that time. All these things are challenges through which we can choose to work through them as we trust in God's provision, or we can choose defeat before we even try to do our part in resolving the problem. Choosing to look at every challenge as an opportunity to reveal to the world if we consider our faith in the Lord to be real. If we find reward in seeing how faith can enable us to work through a difficulty, those around us will see the light of that faith being lived out through actions and words. Every situation that we consider a problem has a purpose. It is a stretching process to lead us beyond our own expectations when we lift our eyes to Him. When our eyes are open to seeing God's provision and providence we will see Him working in our behalf. This confirmation of His promises leads us to be more satisfied in Him; in our satisfaction, God is most glorified. We respond to each day from the treasure stored in our hearts and discover that we have a measure of control, not of the circumstances, but of the way we choose to respond to both difficulties and to His gifts we consider blessings. When our response is right minded both good things and hard things will ultimately be treasured as blessings. Pearls of JOY resulting in peace and contentment. This poem contains ponderings from another day:
Jeweled Ornaments
The glory of God illumines my soul with eternal beauty.
Such glory is indescribable except through painting visual images inspired by the Holy Spirit in a manner to point us to God above.
Oh what a taste of heavenly delight to encounter beauty in unexpected surprises.
To awaken after dark and dreary days of cold and fog, I am blessed to experience brilliant rays of sunshine bursting forth to precede the actual rising of the sun.
The dawning of the day made a grand entrance without fanfare and ceremony, only the steady pace of God’s working out.
This wintry morning the effect is startling as thousands of glittering orbs of ice adorn the trees as with carefully placed ornaments.
It is not ice encrusted limbs, but separate drops of ice frozen in place that magnificently magnify the early morning light.
It seemed as if I heard God singing over me with joy as I found delight in what He created.
Simple contrasts transformed lovely familiar elements into a vision of opulent beauty
Those contrasts appear as intermittent points of light, scattered as the stars in the heavens, yet carefully placed according to God’s ordering.
Recognition of such beauty comes in moving forward with God into the brightness of His glory.
The same anticipation allows delightful recognition of His work in adorning the jeweled lining of my regenerated heart.
Knowledge of God transforms my heart to mirror the Biblical illustrations of Heaven.
Those jewels magnify the incoming light of each precious new experience with God.
The heart is a storehouse of treasure through which my soul sings a melody that would reach the highest heavens.
At times this melody is reflected back with the joy of the Lord, perhaps smiling as such joyful praise is inscribed in His scroll of remembrance.
The sparkling joy emanating from my heart is reflected in the eyes of sisters in Christ as the Holy Spirit in one delights in the recognition of the Spirit in another.
Perhaps God will use this joy to spark a desire in an unbeliever to find the source of such radiance.
From such glorious treasure flows Living Water as God works through what He has created to accomplish His purpose for each child.
Those points of light might begin as tiny gifts, wrapped in elegant foil and tied with beautiful ribbons.
Gifts, which in the unwrapping, reveal precious truths tucked away in layers of silver and gold tissue.
These gifts shine with much light, and that overflowing brilliance escapes the confines of the box before the lid is fully lifted.
Truths wrapped in holiness, layered for majestic presentation from the Holy Spirit to keep each truth pure and unspoiled, are brought to mind in His perfect timing.
Treasured gifts from God include the gift of grace to anoint one so unworthy; they include the gift of knowledge and wisdom to fill desires of a heart enabled to respond to the outstretched hand of God.
The gifts are layered carefully, interleaved with glittering encouraging hope.
They are protected in this new heart and gently uncovered upon God’s purposeful leading.
Sometimes, upon hearing the same truth revealed in new light, it is as if the Holy Spirit Himself unfolds the glittering tissue that preserves a particular point of light, in effect, restoring it to new brilliance as the eyes of the heart are given vision of new understanding.
For those remembrances of experiences through God’s working out are recognized with tender, sometimes bittersweet, always comforting precious delight.
Moments such as these are as a new tasting of the goodness of the Lord that so transformed me the first time a particular revelation of the person of God was made known to me.
These treasures enfolded with love in my heart are real to my understanding and recollection.
Treasure becomes interwoven with my personality through the gifting of the Father of heavenly lights.
In like manner, heavenly treasure is brought to mind in a personal way for the glory of God much as standing stone moments in the wilderness proclaim special communion with God, and I am blessed.
When these moments are brought forth, and they are carefully hung as precious glassy ornaments on my own tree of life, there is thanksgiving.
When I gently pick up one of these jeweled memories and allow that joy to shine through to others, many are blessed and God is magnified in the light of His own creation.
His beloved children reflect the light of His glory as jewels brighten a dark world.
At times, my perception of being blessed through God’s loving kindness is marred for a moment when my mistakes are mirrored back and I ponder their reflection.
It is startling to see myself as a stranger, to recognize the many facets of imperfection that must be cut away and polished to allow God’s glory to shine more brightly through my life.
It is disappointing, even painful, to see my own shortcomings and sins.
It is humbling to be challenged by this new witness of the cost the Lord paid to enable me to grow into a right relationship with God; through tearful repentance I am forgiven.
It is humbling to see in those reflections the refining work of the Lord as He slowly reveals His beauty being made manifest in the children of God.
Pure truth surfaces again and again to touch my heart with tender reminders.
It is as if the Holy Spirit Himself gently pulls aside a sheet of golden tissue to reveal that same truth tucked away in my heart.
That same truth, pure and sweet, spoken through God’s ordaining years before, was spoken to a heart He had filled with hunger and desire to hear that truth.
With this truth spoken with such authority, given such compulsion to respond with heart, soul and mind, truth that would allow me to begin to know the person of Christ in all His radiant fullness, the glory of the Lord shown all around me and through me as my soul rejoiced in the joy of the Lord.
These treasures, though preserved as individual truths, wrapped as singular gifts, actually lend their savory goodness to permeate the whole, much as adding pure spices to a fine simmering pot of soup.
Yet, each truth, just as each exotic spice, is discernable to one who has also tasted that goodness.
All that emanates from this rich storehouse bears witness to the maturing perfection of the whole.
In its fragrance, one realizes the unmistakable glorious presence of the creator.
It is the AMEN to man’s quest to assuage his hunger with real eternal satisfaction.
Each small treasure of truth lends light to illuminate understanding of the King of Glory.
As God gifts His children, a variety of His communicable attributes glow from within His children to deepen understanding and prepare that child to take others by the hand to show them Jesus.
IMP 2/20/08
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Snow and Ice Diamonds
I have been in and out of every door in my home this morning photographing the
sunshine through the ice with layers of snow, and as the light changed, the images
changed. This exquisite light brings hunger for more of what God would make known of
Himself through these masterpieces of nature. It is such a gift of beauty. I
am realizing more and more what a gift it is that He has given me a desire to
create beauty beyond what I can comprehend; this hunger to see more of His
creation in every nuance flows from the eternal vacuum He has placed in my
heart. It can only be satisfied with what He makes known to me each day through
sunshine through the ice with layers of snow, and as the light changed, the images
changed. This exquisite light brings hunger for more of what God would make known of
Himself through these masterpieces of nature. It is such a gift of beauty. I
am realizing more and more what a gift it is that He has given me a desire to
create beauty beyond what I can comprehend; this hunger to see more of His
creation in every nuance flows from the eternal vacuum He has placed in my
heart. It can only be satisfied with what He makes known to me each day through
the joy of delighting in Him through the lens of all that He has made... and I think I
could not find such joy in these things without the Word engraved in my heart,
illumined by His Spirit. He richly gives beauty above the mundane and
ordinary which we need as well, but this beauty lifts our eyes above our circumstances
to rejoice in the Beautiful One... yes, we need food, clothing and shelter to care for
could not find such joy in these things without the Word engraved in my heart,
illumined by His Spirit. He richly gives beauty above the mundane and
ordinary which we need as well, but this beauty lifts our eyes above our circumstances
to rejoice in the Beautiful One... yes, we need food, clothing and shelter to care for
Our physical being and God provides more than enough than the bare
necessities, exceedingly much more!
In giving gifts through the years, I almost always have chosen to give gifts
In giving gifts through the years, I almost always have chosen to give gifts
of a special nature rather than purchase something from a list.
Isn't this what God does for us? We ask for crumbs, and would be content.
Yes, He provides the drink of water.
Yes, He provides morsels of food to sustain our bodies.
But it is our souls that He feeds with such beauty beyond what we
could have imagined. He also gives us the desire to see. For those
with the gift of sight, the hunger for beauty, and the will to glorify Him
through the illumined scenes, He stops us and pulls us up short
could have imagined. He also gives us the desire to see. For those
with the gift of sight, the hunger for beauty, and the will to glorify Him
through the illumined scenes, He stops us and pulls us up short
with glorious moments in His light, He enthralls us with moments so glorious
that we stand speechless in awe of the Creator, until we become so filled with His joy
that we must respond in some creative manner and allow that joy to overflow to others.
Sometimes the splendor is so glorious we can scarcely breath; when we catch our breath it
must be expelled with words of praise to our Maker. We are to write, to tell,
to remember the works of God Who in every way provides light for our way,
no matter our circumstances.
This morning was such a morning... such beauty before me that I could
not come back in the house, though I was freezing. I do not know what the
photographs will look like, I only know I was compelled to take them to record
and tell others of the beauty revealed before me. I think of Abraham as the Lord
must be expelled with words of praise to our Maker. We are to write, to tell,
to remember the works of God Who in every way provides light for our way,
no matter our circumstances.
This morning was such a morning... such beauty before me that I could
not come back in the house, though I was freezing. I do not know what the
photographs will look like, I only know I was compelled to take them to record
and tell others of the beauty revealed before me. I think of Abraham as the Lord
told him to come outdoors and see if he could count the stars. Could he number the
grains of sand along the shore? This morning was so full of splendor that I could not
count the diamonds of ice that transformed the forest into a glorious display of the
Lord’s glory through what He created. I am a child who is full of delight in the
incomprehensible feast set before me. Can you imagine what is yet to be?
Let all whom He has given breath praise Him!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snowing Again
Minus three degrees
Expectantly I look toward the window in anticipation of the morning light.
Though still early there was a hint of dawn, almost hidden between the layers of dark gray clouds. Morning is coming. It will come, though I do not know what color it will be aside from the cold blue of winter. It was still. Silent. The birds were not singing and scurrying around for sunflower seeds and dried fruit. This silence, much as the silence of the desert, is not without a message. Often the message comes on the breath of the wind bringing to mind truth stored in my heart. The message rings as true, “Believe me, I will not fail you,” and my soul responds with affirmation. I attempt to do my work, but as the sunlight bursts through the unusual cloud formations I must respond, camera in hand, seeking to preserve the glorious skyskape. Every branch is encased with ice… leaving an impression of a forest dusted with diamonds. It is as if the joy of the day has been scattered upon everything in sight; it is enough delight with which to dance into the promise of the day to await the table filled with what the Lord has prepared for me this day. He has prepared it. The vision outside my windows is as music that will accompany my every effort for the day, and I must divide my focus, to take care of responsibilities and to celebrate the beauty of what God has created. My husband brings in more firewood to keep us warm and the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee adds to the lavish richness of the day. Lord, may every thought and deed of this day be aligned with Your purpose for my life. Amen
It is again a brand new morning. The roads are still treacherous with ice. It is snowing again, soft gentle snow, accompanied by peace from above. It is a set apart time. It is a day to make a rich kettle of soup and to make homemade bread, both adding the fragrance of warming comfort, and to spend time listening in stillness. It is a time of restoration and renewal in preparation for the coming of spring. From Isaiah, those whose hope is the Lord will be refreshed and renewed with strength as promised. We will watch in eager expectation.
Softly, gently, quietly drift downward
Perfectly formed crystals of snow
Each unlike the other and yet the same....
God’s endless creativity blessing us with beauty.
Falling for hours in the stillness of His presence,
Covering the broken, the ugly, the plain...
Covering the beautiful just the same,
The snow softly covers traces of man’s imperfections
At the same time outlining and making
God’s creations even more lovely.
Graceful tree branches, red berries,
The contrast of evergreens and leafless oaks
Reaching upward to the sky,
The contours of the hills and meadows
Made more distinct by the snow.
The birds cease their singing,
The deer stay quietly in their woodland shelter,
Even the sun’s bright rays are not seen.
It is a time to reflect on God’s tender mercies.
My footsteps break the pristine perfection
Of this soft white carpet.
As I walk peacefully through this earthly cathedral,
Nothing compares with God’s paintings...
His canvas is perfection in form and light.
Even the soft, subdued light of a wintry morning
Cannot be duplicated in any medium.
I turn my face upward and snowflakes brush my cheeks.
I feel the fullness of the silence.
Standing quietly, expectantly, I feel
His all-encompassing authority in the form
Of His gentle love.
It is a time of reverent thanksgiving,
For He has refreshed me and restored me
In perfect stillness.
Ina May Pummill
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Reflections of Snowy Glitter
It is exciting to see the first sparkly crystals of snow falling slowly from the sky, the sharp coldness arrives with an element of anticipation, wondering what this particular storm will bring. And when it is upon us we can either choose to lift our eyes in search of its arrival, waiting to feel the snowflakes brushing against our cheeks in greeting, or we can cast our eyes down as we trudge along through one more of life's obstacles. But the snow will come. This time, or the next time, it will surprise us with a thick layer of white that turns the everyday surroundings into a glittering wonderland. This transformation of white seems to set us apart for a short time to refresh our childlike spirit of adventure. We can watch through the windows of time, perhaps sitting by the fire with hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and a dash of crushed peppermint candy. We may choose to pull on the boots and a warm hat along with a snuggly coat and rush out into the falling snow, much as a child would explore the whole realm of smells and sounds as the cold air might make us gasp for breath. It is a time to sing. It is a time to look closely at the details of nature gowned in shiny white.
These details become part of the tapestry of each personal life, through which we may see more of what God has made known through His creation. I will be watching in the morning to see what the day will bring.
Will there be a sunrise? Colorful clouds that contast with the pure white landscape? And I will listen to the quiet... experience the quiet, while at the same time find joy in the occasional bird singing in welcome of the morning. This poem written a few years back celebrates the season with grandchildren in mind.
These details become part of the tapestry of each personal life, through which we may see more of what God has made known through His creation. I will be watching in the morning to see what the day will bring.
Will there be a sunrise? Colorful clouds that contast with the pure white landscape? And I will listen to the quiet... experience the quiet, while at the same time find joy in the occasional bird singing in welcome of the morning. This poem written a few years back celebrates the season with grandchildren in mind.
A Glittering Gift
As the gray early morning sky grew brighter with sunshine breaking through,
The air seemed to be full of glitter… glorious glittering flakes of snow…
The sky was filled with gleaming bits of ice crystals reflecting the welcome sunshine.
It reminded me of diamonds sparkling against the dark blue of the cloudy morning…
Exquisite sparkling diamonds to dispel the cold grayness of the dawn…
One joyful little granddaughter saw the glitter with delight of a child!
“Oh!” she said to her mom with awe, “the sky is full of glitter!”
The big granddaughter also related seeing the glitter in the lights the evening before.
Oh God, I thank You for filling these precious children with wonder at the witness of Your design.
I pray they will keep this eager attitude for a lifetime, delighting in all You will show them of Yourself.
It would be wonderful Lord, if I could welcome every day with the excitement of a child… many times You do give me that luxury…and You reward me with glittering glimpses.
You show me something so beautiful that it moves me to exclaim recognition of the gift with delightful surprise and to thank You for pouring out Your love upon me.
It is a sad thing when we get so caught up in daily responsibilities that we fail to observe the glitter You sprinkle about to make us smile!
We step out into the cold outdoors, rushing to get chores finished, hurrying to get back to the comfort of the warm fire.
We move about with our heads down, trying to escape the reality of the arctic wind… trying to avoid discomfort and thereby miss the joy You set before us.
A child would listen to the crunching of the snow with each step…
Would watch their frosty breath as they talked…
Taste the icy treat…
With exuberance they might lie down and make snow angels!
Dear Lord, what joy I see reflected in those beautiful faces…
I see all of Your promises welcomed in their eager optimism…
They live each moment with joyful enthusiasm of learning, tasting and laughing, trusting for tomorrow to come and present more opportunity.
Sometimes it seems to take a snowy day to bring back the childhood excitement in us…
A day set aside from the busy running to and fro of our hectic pace…
A day to step outside our routine activities and just become a laughing, light hearted child again… for a while…
What a feast for the eyes...
Music for a joyful heart…
Smiles and laughter for the soul!
Oh Lord, You provide refreshment in many ways to restore our spirit within…
After seeking Your presence in experiencing the glittering morning light, we can then sit by a glowing fire and feel the warmth gently turn away the shivering coldness…
A cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows just for fun warms from the inside.
We have been transported for a moment to a magical childlike state, yet we are given appreciation as an adult for the opportunity to taste more of Your glory this day.
Our work goes on. The memories of the moment move us to approach our tasks with renewed vigor…
As we work, we cannot help but look out the window of our routine for another glimpse of a glittering gift from You dear God.
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