Not rushing from one to the other,
but blending the joys of each in transition.
In autumn, leaves may begin to fall,
yet continue to bloom long into winter.
Sweetgum leaves bright in color
may be edged with icy lace
as an early storm brings freezing rain.
The tree continues blooming in glorious color,
days grow shorter, shadows lengthen
white oak leaves grip branches far into winter
to clothe the stark limbs,
a reminder of coming seasons.
Days shine with warmth of autumn
To warm my soul with heavenly light
and yet it is winter all around me.
Beauty carries untold delight.
It surprises me with many colors of light.
Winter is surely upon me
The cold days of icy blue,
buffeted by sharp winds that sting,
that seek to steal my joy in unpredictable nature
but they cannot, for I am
watching, humbled in the golden light,
golden grace, the joy of each new day.
Winter days move quickly however they appear
Some mornings sound with coming spring
as songbirds begin their singing full of cheer.

Spring is coming, though not yet
I am humbled when I feel it in my soul
while breathing in the essence of winter.
Winter is gifted with its own purpose.
Unique beauty for those who look
Amazing glimpses of His glory
shine through all of God's creation.
Something of one season lingers for a while
as remembrances of the seasons do overlap.
Soon hardy little trout lilies will venture forth,And robins congregate in hillside meadows.
They, as I, anticipate the arrival of springWhile tasting the delicacies of winter's grace.
Let all God has created praise His holy Name.imp
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