Watching With Eyes to See His Presence
The morning light is positively electric with possibility.
The promise of untold blessings looms ahead when we seek His presence.
Almighty God gifts those with a heart desiring the wisdom of His ways.
As He answers, we are filled with thanksgiving to sing His praise!
Wisdom is abundant to those who constantly seek the light of His face.
His Word is wisdom to give purpose and direction for every breath we take.
For with the breath of God, Jesus spoke all things into being so long ago.
The Father’s plan from before the foundation of the earth encompassed all the details.
The order and beauty flow from His perfect design and His all-encompassing power.
Through creating us in His image, He projected His rhythm to our soul.
This rhythm flows in perfect harmony with the nature of His creation.
This harmony is jarred asunder when we do not seek His wisdom for our ways.
Oh what beautiful stirring of the heart as one recognizes the magnificence of our Lord,
To realize His sovereignty, His power, and requirement for righteousness,
To rejoice in His loving kindness and bathe in His goodness and love,
There is unity when we willingly allow Him to continue His work in our hearts!
There is peace when we joyfully delight in having a personal relationship with the living God!
The days of our lives become increasingly more precious in the recognition of His omnipotent hand in the bearing of all things,
For with great love, God has ordained purpose and significance for each of His children.
He fills us with vitality, with the ability and desire to do the work He sets before us.
Through Him, the fountain of living water eternally flows, and we are grateful!
Through the light of His glory behind our eyes, we are given sight of the richness of what He has bountifully set before us.
We are many times blessed, both in having been given sight to see, and in the joy of being a vessel through which His living water flow through to others.
As we receive, the gifts are multiplied in the giving back, as the waves return to grace us with a glimpse of His lavish providential display of His glory.
With God’s ever present guidance He multiplies what He gives through us into more opportunity.
The cycle is energized through God’s grace as He opens eyes to see and enables us to obey.
As He opens our hearts to hunger for His love, He then satisfies that hunger!
As we are satisfied in His presence and trust His promise, He gives us more of Himself!
He gives so much of Himself that we are overjoyed and completely humbled in the realization.
We are humbled at the seeming improbability of a personal relationship with God,
And yet it is so!!! He gives abundantly more than we ask in display of His glorious grace.
Our imagination cannot fathom the infinite riches of God, waiting His purpose and timing.
These riches provide everything we need as He works through us in our living for Him!
As we ever turn our face upward to embrace the light of His glory,
He floods each seeking heart and soul with His wisdom that has graced the ages.
The warmth of His light radiates throughout our being to bring healing from within.
It is in such special times of quiet communion with our living God
When we experience the fluid motion of His wisdom coming to life within us…
When a perfect rhythmical connection is maintained with the Father,
There are often times brilliant flourishes in the symphony of life.
As these special moments punctuate the reality of a relationship with the living God with the illumination of understanding, we cannot go back beyond where He met us on the road.
Peace and satisfaction are born in the harmonious life flowing through the Father.
Even when outside forces add distress to the harmony of our unity with God,
The melody born of Him carries the music of our being through to the finale.
For God alone is the master of the triumphant symphony of life.
In expectantly waiting His direction He will show us many great things for which to praise Him.
He will illustrate to those who watch for His presence the many blessings He has prepared.
Our Lord will make known many opportunities to witness to His glorious Name.
To those who continue looking upward to Him He will unfold the abundant treasures from scripture that are the riches of life eternal, but we must pick up our mat and walk with Him.
When we watch vigilantly for His ever-extended hand with the certainty of His firm grip, our watching and waiting will confirm His assurance of victory through Christ alone.
When we are watching with His Spirit within, we are never away from His protection and love,
For His favor flows forth as we faithfully focus upon the Father for fulfillment forevermore.
IMP 11/6/03
I LOVE the photo in this post. BEAUTIFUL.