Sunrise With Fog

Sunrise With Fog
Every Morning is New

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Gold

When the Hickory Tree Again Turns Gold

The faithfulness of God is marked by seasons that number our days
Anniversaries measure moments in thanksgiving for His ways
When the hickory tree again turns gold
It illumines moments of celebration watching His grace unfold
Days move silently yet with promise yet to be revealed
When appreciated in the remembering of other occasions, thus far being healed
Autumn is especially symbolic and full of grace
A time of comforting love displayed in the hillsides of glittering gold
Times of remembering, lost in wonder of such grace foretold
Being warmed by the vision of rich shades of red, gold and rust
Stir reflections of His past faithfulness when God is my trust
That truth is enhanced in remembering times of goodness and light
Times when darkness and pain were overpowered by such a glorious sight
Empower me to face new challenges as opportunities of grace
My words and actions giving glory to God as I worship Him before His face
Finding peace, carried along as on eagles wings of prayer
As others confirm God’s love for me through their sacrifice of love and care
Last year in similar circumstances when this same hickory tree turned gold
After enduring more pain that I thought I could bear
God had friends waiting to come to my aid, more of His glory to behold
After turning to others to intercede through Jesus Who sits with the Father on the throne
The Spirit gave me sweet peace to rest, knowing for myself His love for His own
I looked at the golden hickory through the glass door with a sigh of contentment and relief
Satisfied completely in the One Who enabled my belief.
And He did not fail me in what could have been a dark night
He sent angels to encamp around me in that momentary plight
When unable to coin prayerful thoughts in situations beyond our control
Unity through the Spirit guided others to extoll
The powerful wonders of our Almighty God and for my name plead
For His favor and merciful grace to intercede
To again bring healing to my body that will exceed
And provide lavishly for every need, enabling His work through me to succeed.
Oh the rainbows of His promises come wrapped in sunshine and tied with ribbons of hope
Accompanied by strains of beautiful music with precious stanzas that evoke
Reflections of His glory as revealed thus far to fill my thirsty soul with flowing streams
Mirroring the golden trees as light dances on the water in the suns powerful beams
To bring comfort, the Lord used the words of a much loved song titled “He”
Painting a glowing image of God in His commanding glory
With the aura of His tender timing and providence a friend played the melody of this story
“He can turn the tide and calm the angry sea; He alone decides who writes a symphony”
Such words of adoration written years ago unite with the beautiful truth I know
Giving confirmation just when I was in need of God’s love that abounds
Giving voice to words of praise with heart touching melodious sounds
A day of trial became opportunity for connection
Dwelling on self or looking for God’s working, two choices at every intersection
When I choose to view the day through what is true
God is faithful to keep His promises with the rainbows every hue
Whether His answer includes relief from this pain
Time in his presence still showers me with contentment as a gentle rain
And I know personally with my whole being, more of His love divine
When the hickory tree turns gold it is to me as an altar of remembering, a sweet sign.
Ina May Pummill November 9, 2012